Virtual Flume
Ven Te Chow’s book “Open Channel Hydraulics” is arguably the gold-standard book for hydraulic engineers-especially those of us who model open channel flow.
HEC recently published a new training document called “Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies”. Written by Gary Brunner, P.E., D.WRE, it is an easy to follow guide for performing Dam Break simulations in HEC-RAS.
It covers topics like:
The document also covers dam break modeling using the new 2D features in HEC-RAS and provides some nice example applications. This document should be on your desk, ready to reference, for every HEC-RAS dam break study you work on.
You can download “Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies” from the HEC website at
from my Google Drive site at:
hanine nano
on April 25, 2017thank's
on July 1, 2018hi, i am using level pool routing for landslide dammed lake outburst flood simulation. how do i get the flow hydro graph for boundary condition? how do i model the inline structure(landslide dam), is it possible with the regular methods?
on June 23, 2020I need this file!! cant get it. the drive one was deleted and site is offline
Chris Goodell
on June 23, 2020I just got it here:
on February 12, 2021Hi. I am performing a dam break in hec ras using a storage area, connection (dam), 2d area and boundary condition at the outlet (normal depth). The inundated areas and depth results are quite logical. In previous studies in the same area, the estimated time for the flood wave from dam to outlet was six or seven times smaller than in my model. How can I fix this? Any suggestion please?
Chris Goodell
on February 23, 2021You might play with mesh resolution. If your mesh is too coarse, it can overestimate travel time. Also, make sure your Courant numbers are appropriate (see 2D manual).
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