Hello Toby,
Thank you very much for the response. We have downloaded the HDFView 2.14 to take a look at the data. This program is pretty neat.
We are not seeing the Node X Vel and Node Y Vel options, but only the following:
Results/Unsteady/Output/Output Blocks/Base Output/Unsteady Time Series/2D Flow Areas/”your mesh”/Face Velocity
How do we get the Node X Vel and Node Y Vel options to appear? Can this be obtained from the Face Velocity output?
We have successfully obtained the FacePoints Coordinate data which appears to properly show the coordinates of the mesh points.
We would also be interested in any way of generating this data without a 3rd party software if at all possible to avoid any human error in processing the data. We are not familiar with the process to turn this data into a shapefile, but if we can get into a tabular format, it may suffice for our purposes. It would be very nice if the program could be used to store/save to disk a velocity output map layer as a point feature.
Kind Regards, -Tom G