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  • in reply to: HECRAS 5.0 Beta , Land Classification (Corrupted Shapefile) #9493
    Mikell Warms

    Hey MrBarca,

    Can you load the exported shapefile correctly into ArcGIS? Is it in the right projection (i.e. the same one used in RASMapper)?. Sometimes shapefiles can be corrupted due to improper saving, an ArcMap crash, or illegal geometric features.

    There is some ESRI support for corrupted shapefiles here:

    I’ve also had some luck with this tool:

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Working with HECRASController in Python #13484
    Mikell Warms

    Hey BB,

    I am a python user, and was interested in this same question a few months ago. Having spent a few hours (not long) looking into PyRAS, I decided it would probably be a bit easier to try something a little different. I guess it really depends on what you are trying to do with the API. In my case, I was interested in automation of sensitivity and statistical analyses.

    My workaround has been to use python to modify/create the text input files for RAS (specifically the flow and plan files) to create hundreds/thousands of runs. I then would open up RAS and use the “Run Multiple Plans…” option and allow it to work its way through them all.

    Once all of the runs are finished (I let this finish overnight, typically), I run a separate python script to read from the HDF output files for each plan, then perform whatever analysis on the data I would like. Specifically a combination of h5py (for some reason HDFStore in Pandas doesn’t work with the RAS HDF files), pandas, and scipy modules has worked well for me.

    I guess if you absolutely needed the API, you could write the code in VBA and then call a python script from VBA, or vice versa.

    Good luck!


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