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  • in reply to: Modeling Approach – Leaky Structure in 2D #16090
    Luis Partida

    Hey Scott, the first thing that comes to mind for me is to model the slat fence as a cross section with lids and either add contraction and expansion losses or add a minor loss to the cross section. This is of course assuming it is perpendicular to flow

    in reply to: HEC-RAS 2D hidden shallow water #16089
    Luis Partida

    I think i understand your problem here. One thing to note is RAS Mapper is just a visual tool at the moment with new capabilities continuing to be added one as the software progresses. That being said, if a WSEL is calculated in a 1D element like a storage area, and that WSEL is lower than the terrain elevation, then no depth will be mapped in RAS Mapper however the 1D results will show data there. So basically if the terrain will not allow it to be mapped then that may be your “issue” with visualization.

    in reply to: Unable to compute face tables #16027
    Luis Partida

    Its pretty simple, just make sure your 2D extents do not extend beyond the limits of the terrain. you also must make sure the geometry is associated with that terrain.

    Luis Partida

    Here are a few things to check, first make sure you have saved a geometry file even if it is blank, then exit the geometry data editor and within RAS Mapper associate that geometry with the appropriate terrain. Remember RAS Mapper functionality is continuously improving but the old method of creating a new geometry file within the geometry data editor and THEN using RAS Mapper to generate cross sections is always the most sure proof method.

    in reply to: HEC RAS 1D #16008
    Luis Partida

    I forgot you could also go to the “View Summary Output by Profile” button, select Options>Define Table. Insert a new column and scroll down to the Volume option. Double click and it will add a Volume entry on your Standard Table-1.

    Luis Partida

    Just do it the old school way in the geometry data editor

    in reply to: HEC RAS 1D #16006
    Luis Partida

    Just get this value from your hydrologic calculations/HEC-HMS model as a steady state simulation does not account for attenuation within a cross section

    in reply to: Help with high volume accounting error #15890
    Luis Partida

    Try adding a min flow (this is diff than an initial flow) to the reach in the unsteady flow editor, if you already have a value input, try increasing it. What is the DS boundary condition for the reach? Upstream BC?

    in reply to: 1d-2d model instability problems #15805
    Luis Partida

    Yes it is HIGHLY recommended, connect the 1d reach to the storage area and connect the 1d storage area to the 2D flow area via a SA/2D conn. Add an initial depth in the unsteady flow data editor for the 1D storage area that will create a realistic starting WSEL

    in reply to: 1d-2d model instability problems #15803
    Luis Partida

    The connection from 1D to the 2D flow area…are you separating them with a 1D storage area? Same with the transition from 2D flow area to 1D geometry downstream?

    That alone improves stability greatly

    in reply to: Modelling hydraulic structures in 1D-2D #15802
    Luis Partida

    You have a couple options here, you can modify the terrain in RAS 6 versions to represent the flood wall and then extend your cross section to beyond the wall such that your lateral structure is behind it. However, in that scenario you may run into instabilities if the drop from the flood wall to the 2D domain goes into critical depth (likely). The other option is just to represent the flood wall within your lateral structure data weir data.

    in reply to: To extract depth & velocity of each computational cell #15425
    Luis Partida

    Hi Stephanie, that is because you have not selected the output options to write and export additional options. In the unsteady state plan editor, go to “output options” and on the last tab you can scroll down and see the additional output write options.

    Just remember that RAS 6 offers multiple output options in comparison with RAS 5

    in reply to: Trouble with NetCDF gridded rainfall in HEC-RAS 6.0 #15420
    Luis Partida

    You need to learn HEC-MetVue

    Luis Partida

    Yea good point, steady state doesnt need it, ignore that part of the explanation

    Luis Partida

    First off, you may want to use RAS 6.1 as the beta has been outdated.

    Flow optimization using lateral structures takes a little more effort, i will try and explain. Your tailwater condition should not be out of system. Instead connect it to a theoretical SA and then turn optimization on. Assuming RAS converges, you must then go into the results file and you will see a reduction in flow rates, you must then create a new flow file with these adjusted flow rates, turn optimization off and then rerun your simulation. Hope this helps

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