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Lonnie AParticipant
It looks like an error with the 34895 lateral and not your internal connector. When you added the internal it probably revised the mesh around your lateral?
Lonnie AParticipantYou can use a internal storage area connector to be able to read flow across it. Other than this there isn’t the ability to display flows in the 2D.
Chris has a post that explains this. AParticipantCouple things I think you can try to get past mapper crashing as soon as you open it (if the storage area is the issue):
Try creating another plan with a dummy geometry and have that as the current plan before you try to open Mapper. Once mapper opens you can zoom in on the small storage area graphic and then close mapper. Go back to RAS and set plan to your run of interest and then go back to mapper.
If it is a small storage area that is causing the problem you can either drag points to make the storage area graphic larger or delete it. This might get you into mapper without the crash.I believe what the problem is with small SA graphics has to do with the display compressing the small polygon into a single point….
Lonnie AParticipantHere is what I’ve had to do when I’ve had Mapper crashing that you might try.
If you have a small storage area graphic and you are zoomed out this will cause this sometimes. You need to try and zoom in on the small area then close mapper and reopen.
Other times I’ve had to delete the mapper files from the project folder and start mapper over again.
Lonnie AParticipantHave you set a “pilot flow” value on the inline? It sounds like you don’t have a low flow outlet in the model. The pilot will let flow through the structure. RAS needs a flow in every XS meaning you can’t have a “dry” section which is why you have flow over the weir at the start.
If you use RAS V5.0 they have added more options for the inline weir so you can model more than just a weir and gate which will give you additional way to carry the low flow through the structure..
Lonnie AParticipantIn Rasmapper verify your changes are being updated on the cell faces (right click on the cell face and select property table).
What I have to do some times is within the geometry window in 2d area edit mode modify a n-value and save the file. Then modify it back to what you want in order for RAS to recognize a change has occurred and needs to reprocess the cell faces. So then select force mesh recomputation and back in RASmapper select the compute 2D hydraulics table. After it has ran verify the changes are applied to the cell face.
I find when you change the land classification RAS likes to revert back to the default n-value across the entire 2D area and there is no way to know this without digging into it in mapper.
Lonnie AParticipantAs of 10/29/2015 HEC said they are working on making this functional.
Lonnie AParticipantOne way I’ve done this before is to use lidded XS and code the lid to represent the bars.
Lonnie AParticipantHEC is aware of the graphical error and won’t be there in the final version. In the mean time if you close and reopen the geometry it should show correct. It just isn’t updating the geospatial coordinates of the section when you add or subtract points.
Lonnie AParticipantI typically will do it with blocked obstructions. You’ll need to have 3 to 4 XS for each row of piers. 1 just upstream, 1 at U/S face (if square) with blocked obstruction on (or center of pier if circular) then a D/S face (if square) with blocked obstruction on and then 1 just downstream with no blocked obstruction.
Lonnie AParticipantYou can define a landuse layer and set the N=1 for the building footprint areas. I believe RAS takes the majority of the landuse in the cell as it’s n-value for that cell.
Lonnie AParticipantI’m not certain but believe it started after I had raster design added
Lonnie AParticipantMine does the same and I haven’t found a fix yet.
Lonnie AParticipantUse unsteady and should have no issues doing this.
Lonnie AParticipantif you turn on the optimization it should adjust flows