I have decided to add some output data to help explain my situation. I have 2 model runs: 1) With gates open and 2) All gates closed.
Run 1: Gates Open
XS UpStream
WSE: 1020.43
Qtot: 151.83
Inline Structure
WSE: 982.00 (also the gate invert) **very low**
Qtot: 152.26 (expected flow from gates)
Qgates: 0.00
XS DownStream
WSE: 949.98
Qtot: 152.26
Run 2: Gates Closed
WSE: 1020.68
Qtot: 5.00 (pilot flow)
Inline Structure
WSE: 1020.68
Qtot: 5.00 (pilot)
Qgates: (blank)
WSE: 949.91
Qtot: 5.00
So you can see that, with the gates on, I am getting the correct flow but the WSE and Qgates have incorrect values. The only situation I can get a resonable WSE is when the gates are off…but I can’t get the flow I want. Is this normal for what I am trying to do? Should I ignore the WSE at the dam if I am getting the correct flow?