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  • in reply to: scour calculations at multiopening structures #9152
    Chris G.

    Have you tried running with Velocity Distribution turned on? That will allow you to get a good representation of velocity at various locations across your multi-opening structure.

    in reply to: Unsteady flow stability problem #9148
    Chris G.

    No. HEC-RAS does not compute water surface profiles over weirs.

    Chris G.

    The cross section bottom does not interfere with the gate computations. You’re good.

    in reply to: WS Boundary #9129
    Chris G.

    It works for me. Here’s the code I use to set my water surface within the Do-Loop:

    ‘Fix the new water surface elevations to the boundary
    Dim blnDidItCompute As Boolean
    blnDidItCompute = RC.SteadyFlow_FixedWSBoundary _
    (strRiverName(1), strReachName(1), True, _

    in reply to: Lids and profile weirdness #9128
    Chris G.

    I’m guessing that for some of the cross sections, your cross section end points are higher than the lid elevation. For others, the lid is higher than the cross section end points. I don’t think this is necessarily wrong.

    Chris G.

    Sounds like when you reran it, you didn’t have the Post processor checked.

    in reply to: Inlet Structure #9149
    Chris G.

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    Subject: Re: Inlet Structure
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    That is correct.=20

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Feb 24, 2015, at 8:09 AM, Andy [via HEC-RAS Help] wrote:
    > New Question. I have a stream channel that ends at a large yard inlet stru=
    cture which runs to a manhole and then to a free outlet. My understanding is=
    the inlet can’t be modeled in HEC-RAS and i need to create a ratings curve o=
    utside of hec-ras and then use the ratings curve in hec-ras. Is this about r=
    ight? =09
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    > To unsubscribe from HEC-RAS Help, click here.
    > NAML

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    That is correct. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 24, 2015, at 8:09 AM, Andy [via HEC-RAS Help] <[email protected]> wrote:

    New Question. I have a stream channel that ends at a large yard inlet structure which runs to a manhole and then to a free outlet. My understanding is the inlet can’t be modeled in HEC-RAS and i need to create a ratings curve outside of hec-ras and then use the ratings curve in hec-ras. Is this about right?

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    in reply to: Flow transfer from 1D to 2D areas #9109
    Chris G.


    Yes, you can connect 2D areas directly to cross sections. This is called an “inline” connection, as opposed to the “offline” connection that uses lateral structures. You connect it the same way as you would connect an inline storage area to cross sections. The 1D-2D HEC-RAS document discusses how this is done. Also, the Bald Eagle Creek 2D Dam Breach data set has some examples of this.

    You can get the 1D-2D document here:

    in reply to: GIS of Civil3D #9103
    Chris G.

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    Subject: Re: GIS of Civil3D
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    Brian. Sounds like a good way to go. I wish I could give you more info on th=
    e process but I don’t know C3D. I would caution you though, for a complex mo=
    del like this, start simple, (ie no structures) and add components one at a t=
    ime, checking stability along the way. That will pay dividends later=20


    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Feb 11, 2015, at 6:36 PM, Brian F [via HEC-RAS Help] wrote:
    > I have a massive HEC-RAS model I am about to start working on. All of the s=
    urvey data is coming as a Civil3D format. I am trying to figure out if I wan=
    t to try and build the geometry and export to HEC-RAS in either GIS using GE=
    O-RAS, or using the tools in C3D so I dont have to go across multiple softwa=
    res. This is a canal model and there are going to be numerous splits, inline=
    check structures, bridges, culverts, weirs and lateral structures.=20
    > My workflow plan (at the moment) is to=20
    > 1.Build a surface from the survey data in civil3D, then export this as a l=
    andxml. (I like the surface building tools in c3D much better then GIS)=20
    > 2. Import surface to GIS=20
    > 3. Finish building the model GEORAS tools to add cutlines, structure loca=
    tions, ineffective flow, roughness zones, blocked areas, ect.=20
    > I am familiar with GEO-RAS and think it works well, which is why I default=
    to using it. I am less familiar with C3D and have never used any HEC-RAS to=
    ols developed for it.=20
    > My question is whether anyone can comment on just using c3D with HEC-RAS a=
    nd skip the middle step I have for bringing it into GIS? Are the any tools f=
    or C3D (similar to GEO-RAS) for managing and developing a HEC-RAS model. If t=
    hey cost money that is fine too. Any other comments for pros/cons on using e=
    ither GIS versus C3D to develop a HEC-RAS model and for post-processing data=
    > Thanks=20
    > Brian=20
    > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion b=
    > To unsubscribe from HEC-RAS Help, click here.
    > NAML

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    Brian. Sounds like a good way to go. I wish I could give you more info on the process but I don’t know C3D. I would caution you though, for a complex model like this, start simple, (ie no structures) and add components one at a time, checking stability along the way. That will pay dividends later 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 11, 2015, at 6:36 PM, Brian F [via HEC-RAS Help] <[email protected]> wrote:

    I have a massive HEC-RAS model I am about to start working on. All of the survey data is coming as a Civil3D format. I am trying to figure out if I want to try and build the geometry and export to HEC-RAS in either GIS using GEO-RAS, or using the tools in C3D so I dont have to go across multiple softwares. This is a canal model and there are going to be numerous splits, inline check structures, bridges, culverts, weirs and lateral structures.

    My workflow plan (at the moment) is to

    1.Build a surface from the survey data in civil3D, then export this as a landxml. (I like the surface building tools in c3D much better then GIS)

    2. Import surface to GIS

    3. Finish building the model GEORAS tools to add cutlines,  structure locations, ineffective flow, roughness zones, blocked areas, ect.

    I am familiar with GEO-RAS and think it works well, which is why I default to using it. I am less familiar with C3D and have never used any HEC-RAS tools developed for it.

    My question is whether anyone can comment on just using c3D with HEC-RAS and skip the middle step I have for bringing it into GIS? Are the any tools for C3D (similar to GEO-RAS) for managing and developing a HEC-RAS model. If they cost money that is fine too. Any other comments for pros/cons on using either GIS versus C3D to develop a HEC-RAS model and for post-processing data?



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    Chris G.

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    Tue, 03 Feb 2015 02:21:02 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: Re: how can i calculate the necesary flow to reach a given water table?
    References: <[email protected]>
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    Trial and error. That’s the only way.=20

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:04 PM, David Corta [via HEC-RAS Help] wrote:
    > I need to do the inverse of the tipical hec ras calculation, I need to fin=
    d a proper flow that reach a given water table height. Do anyone knows i cou=
    ld do it? Thanks.=20
    > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion b=
    > To unsubscribe from HEC-RAS Help, click here.
    > NAML

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    Trial and error. That’s the only way. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:04 PM, David Corta [via HEC-RAS Help] <[email protected]> wrote:

    I need to do the inverse of the tipical hec ras calculation, I need to find a proper flow that reach a given water table height. Do anyone knows i could do it? Thanks.

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    in reply to: HEC2D training #9070
    Chris G.

    The course tuition is set by the host. They determine the tuition based on a number of things (location, expected # of students, facilities, etc.). It is the same course material. If you can get to the cheaper course, I’d recommend that. Either way, it will be well worth the money spent.

    in reply to: graphical Display of bridges #9029
    Chris G.

    I would make sure your cross sections are all drawn from left to right, facing the downstream direction. You can turn on cross secton direction arrows to assist you in this check by going to View…Display XS Directional Arrows, in the Geometry Data Window.

    in reply to: run HEC-RAS in DOS console #9035
    Chris G.

    Not from the DOS Console, but you can run HEC-RAS from Excel. Check this post: and the book “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code”.

    in reply to: Welcome to the HECRAS Controller sub-forum #13461
    Chris G.

    Mike- Great question. I started a new topic with your question and posted my reply there. That way more people will notice this very important topic.


    in reply to: Phantom Controller Processes #13469
    Chris G.

    Hi Mike-

    Yes, there was a change from 4.1 to 5.0 in how HECRASController ends RAS as a Windows Process. As you discovered, in 4.1, once the procedure that dimensions a new HECRASController class has finished, RAS would automatically be removed as a Windows Process and it would go away in the Task Manager. RAS 5.0 no longer does this automatically and RAS will remain open in the background even after your application has finished running. This can be quite annoying, as you start stacking RAS processes on top of each other in the background of Windows and you get that annoying “HEC-RAS is already open, do you wish to open another instance” everytime you try to open HEC-RAS.

    The solution: In HEC-RAS 5.0, the HECRASController introduced a new subroutine called “QuitRAS”. Just call that subroutine at the end of your procedure and the HECRASController will kill RAS as a Windows process. Easy fix, you just have to get in the habit of calling QuitRAS at the end of your procedures. “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code” provides more detail on QuitRAS on pages 39-40.

    Good luck!

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