I am modelling a long (~500m) box culvert using XS with lids as the geometry changes a number of times throughout the culvert. Testing the model after adding lids at the first few XS, I noticed that the water level rises through the lid. Makes me wonder what is going on here and should I be using other tools e.g. ineffective flow areas. Has anyone else experienced this?
(Manning’s n are consistent and Con/ex coefficients are set to 0.3/0.5)
The WS profile here is one thats common with an unstable unsteady model. Plot initial conditions and you should not see this rise. I believe your model has stability issues currently
Agree it is unstable so there may be an issue unrelated to the lids. Check HTABs. Also, looks like you chopped off the edge of the culvert? It should come to a point assuming this is an arch culvert?