Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Write dxf from crosssections

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  • #17934
    Stefan Ganzmann

    I am working on a 1D Model. To make the drawing process easier I wanted to write multiple crosssections at once. The problem with the generatesd dxf file was the following:
    – The heigts and the relations of the crosssections was completly of.
    For example: HEC-RAS crosssection elevetion = from 445.30 to 447.6 m.s.l; elevation dxf-file = from 445.6 to 448.4 m.s.l.
    so not only the elevetion is wrong, de difference between bed elevetion and bank elevetion is completly off.

    Is there someone with the same problem or even with a solution?

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