Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help why ras mapper modifies the terrain

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  • #15430
    mab aba

    hi, when I add a terrain in rasmapper (1m *1m resolution) I notice that rasmapper create triangles and the elevation values are differents inside my 1m cells of terrain used as input. Any help? thank you


    Yes, it seems to treat each cell value as the value at a point, and create a TRN joining up all those points, rather than treating the raster as 1mx1m flat surfaces separated by vertical walls.

    Does that help at all?

    I think it is debatable whether this way of considering the terrain is more correct, but it certainly allows for much nicer results – try resampling your raster to a finer grid (say to 0.1m x 0.1m), without interpolation, run a 2D model based on that, and you will see much uglier results. The main downside is that I think sometimes it causes difficulties with inputting levels of things that need to be above the level of the terrain (culverts and weirs).

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