Hi Luis, thanks for your reply. I have read the HEC-RAS 2D Modeling User’s Manual recently. I think my description is not well. I must change that.
After I ran the unsteady flow analysis, I got the results including WSE, Depth, Velocity and so on in HDF5 file. The results are performed just like “timestamp-cell-value”.
At first I thought every cell would be filled to full if this cell had a value. But when I viewed these layers in RAS Mapper, it showed that’s wrong.
The HEC-RAS 2D Modeling User’s Manual writes this in chapter 5: “The layers will be computed and displayed on-the-fly, meaning RAS Mapper reads the computed model result from a file, then it computes the map in memory and displays it as needed.”
The documentation introduces two map render modes: Dynamic mapping and stored raster information. I think what I’m referring to is the Dynamic mapping. But the documentation does not introduce the way how RAS Mapper computes.
So, what I want to know is how RAS Mapper computes the results from the HDF5 file(maybe another file). Is there any algorithm or strategy?