Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Update levee elevation

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    I import my geometries from RIVERGIS.

    Problem, stationing is good but elevations = 0.
    Is it possible to adjust these elevations in HEC RAS, with the cross sections extremities elevation or DEM?




    Hello NicoB,
    I am also using the QGIS with the RIVERGIS plugin and that problem never occured for me. In HEC RAS use RAS Mapper to draw new XS with use of the DTM. First you need to import the DTM in TIF format to RAS Mapper.


    Hi NicoB,

    I have the same problem as you in QGIS 3: the levees stationing are correct, but the elevations are missing.

    I managed to overcome this problem like this:
    1. v.sample (GRASS tool) -> LeveePoints as defining sample points + DEM as raster map to be sampled -> run
    2. Join (layer property -> Joins) LeveePoints to the newly created output layer (in my case it’s called Sampled)
    3. Update the field Elevation of LeveePoints with the field calculator by indicating the name of the joint column
    4. Remove the join

    Hope that helps.

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