I am trying to run an unsteady flow model and I keep getting the following error messages:
– “Maximum iterations of 40 at:” and then there is a list of several cross sections.
-“Minimum error exceeds allowable tolerance at” and then there is a cross section listed.
I keep getting the red bar and my model won’t run to completion.
I’ve tried several things to try and get my model to run but none of them have worked. I’ve tried:
– Deleting the cross section immediately downstream of some of the culvert/ bridge crossings (I thought maybe they were too close and causing instability).
– I have decreased the time step for the model.
– I have increased both the initial flow and minimum flows for my model. (I ran some of the reaches individually and increasing these values seemed to help some of the reaches but I’m still having issues with my downstream reaches).
– I adjusted the HTAB parameter for the maximum number of iterations (I increased it to the maximum allowable number of iterations).
– I adjusted the ineffective flow areas so that there is a smooth transition between cross sections.
I’m all out of ideas of how to fix this model.