Running HECRAS 5.0.1. my 1D is connected to 2D area. how do I solve this error?
Plan: ‘PMF_NF’ (PINELAKE.p04)
Simulation started at: 16May2016 06:00:53 PM
Using 64 Bit Computation Engines
Writing Geometry
2D: Mesh property tables are current.
Completed Writing Geometry
Geometric Preprocessor HEC-RAS 5.0.1 April 2016
Finished Processing Geometry
Writing Event Conditions
Event Conditions Complete
Performing Unsteady Flow Simulation HEC-RAS 5.0.1 April 2016
**** ERROR: Solution Solver Failed ****
Minimum error exceeds allowable tolerance at 15MAY2016 24:00:00
River #1 Reach #1 50276.83
ERROR trying to write to DSS file
+ IC T = -0.1600
Unsteady flow encountered an error.
Writing Results to DSS
Error with program: RasDSSWriter64.exe Exit Code = 1
Computations Summary
Computation Task Time(hh:mm:ss)
Completing Geometry <1
Preprocessing Geometry(64) <1
Unsteady Flow Computations(64) <1
Writing to DSS(64) <1
Complete Process 1