Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help trim 1D cross section up to 2D flow area boundary

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  • #14545
    L. J. Zhao

    Is there some automatic way to trim a bunch of 1D cross section cut lines up to 2D flow area boundary (or lateral structure since LS is supposed to be along the flow area boundary usually) for 1D-2D coupled modeling? I tried to split feature (cross section cut line) and then delete feature for each individual cross section cut line, but if a cross section is from a channel design template (thus 1D cross section geometry is different from that cut by exist terrain), after I split/deleted features, the remain-in-place 1D cross section is automatically returning to a shape like it is cut from exist terrain, not able to keep its original 1D channel design template’s shape.

    Chris Goodell

    For now, I believe you have the best way to do this is to use an external GIS like ArcGIS or QGIS. There you’ll find tools that can quickly trim multiple polylines based on an overlapping polygon, or line. I just don’t think RAS has brought those tools into RAS Mapper yet (I could be wrong…6.0 is pretty new, so if anyone knows how to do this in RAS Mapper, please comment…)

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