Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Terrain Association

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  • #18106
    Bill Buckley

    I am creating a very simple 2D project and continue to get “Cannot recompute 2D property tables – no terrain associated with this geometry”.
    The terrain and projection are set and match with imagery
    The geometry file was created first in the geometry editor before being created in RAS-MAPPER
    The geometry is associated with the terrain.
    I’ve tried different terrain data sets and projections with the same results.
    I have closed and reopened HEC-RAS. I have closed and reopened by computer. I have tried it on different computers.
    I have completely rebuilt the project in a new file.
    I’m thinking that there is a setting in my model that is not letting the geometry and terrain associate within the plan.

    Any thoughts?

    Luis Partida

    I bet you have a red cell error that is not being shown in RAS Mapper. I still refuse to build out geometries in RAS Mapper as it is still buggy. Open the geometry data editor with RAS Mapper closed, then check the bottom left for a red message saying there is a cell with more than 8 sides and either fix it with a breakline or manual edit.

    The other option I would suggest is to rebuild it again in a fresh environment and do not use RAS Mapper for anything

    Eric R

    Bill, Have you tried creating this geometry first in RAS Mapper and then populating it in the geometry editor?

    Bill Buckley

    Thank you Luis and Eric. There was no error message for a cell with more than 8 sides. I’ve tried both suggestions in completely new builds
    and still getting the same error message. Very disheartening.

    Eric R

    What is the average cell size of your model?

    Bill Buckley


    Eric R

    Do you mean that each cell in your model has an average dimension of 10397 ft?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Eric R.
    Bill Buckley

    Cell sizes are 100′ x 100′ but average out to that amount when considering the cells on the edges

    Bill Buckley

    I’ve tried a smaller cell size 50’x50′ which is 3563 cells and avg 2553 sf, but same error message

    Eric R

    Try a newer or older version of HR.

    Bill Buckley

    Thank you Eric and Luis for your help. I figured it out. I always create a Projection folder, Terrain folder, and Plan folder at the start of a project. So far so good, but when I created my terrain I didn’t use the default directory, but sent it into the Terrain folder I created, so the geometry was looking in the wrong location for the terrain and that is why I kept getting that error message. Hopefully this helps anyone else who made this mistake.
    Thanks again.

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