Does anyone know how the lateral structure tailwater connection work?
There are 2 columns in the “TW Lateral Structure Connections” editor :
– column “Weir station” : Weir stations are reported along the edge of the 2d flow area that is adjacent to the lateral structure (0 corresponds to the projection of the beginning of the LS). Usually the first value is negative (as the first cell begins before the LS). The 2nd value indicates the ending of the first cell, the 3rd the ending of the 2nd cell, and so on. RAS is then able to know in which cell water overflowing a LS has to be injected.
– column “2D Face Points” : As for as I understand it, this column should indicate the face of the cell where the water is redirected for the corresponding portion of LS (as defined in “weir station”).
I think I am missing something, as in the example “Bald Eagle Multi 2D Area” for the LS 14800 the first 2 lines indicate:
1829 -144.1203
1793 151.5218
When I do “Find face” on the corresponding 2D area and I indicate 1829 I don’t obtain the adjacent face.
Here an illustration.
I couldn’t find useful information in the RAS documentation.
Does anyone has a valid explanation?
HEC-RAS version 5.0.3