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  • #5587

    I was wondering if there was a way to smooth the slope of a stream bottom. I am doing an analysis on a stream using primarily 1′ lidar contours. The cross sections looks great, but I get an ugly stair stepping bottom. Is there a way to adjust or smooth the slope of the stream bottom without going into each individual cross section (177 of them)? Thanks! Todd

    Chris G.

    Todd, if you are getting a stair-step effect with 1-ft LiDAR, I would guess your cross sections are spaced very close together, or you have a very shallow sloped system (just a guess). If that is the case, you could extract cross sections at a coarser interval and then let HEC-RAS interpolate to your desired spacing.

    If you’re still having a stair step issue after interpolation, the following post may provide some insight: http://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/2008/12/extra-precision-in-interpolated-cross.html
    Good luck-


    You could use the pilot channel option to insert a smooth invert. This will assist in both solving any hydraulic solution problems that you may have for low flows and displaying the invert profile.

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