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    I’m trying to simulate a watershed basin condition where a lake is inside my 2d flow area. Is it possible to create a storage-2d flow area inside another 2d area in hec-ras?


    Lonnie A

    You would have to do the lake as a separate 2D area and connect to the surrounding 2D area with a storage area connector for what you are asking. I assume you are trying to apply a hydrograph to the lake is why you need a separate 2D area vs modeling the whole thing in one 2D area.


    The lake is at the middle of my watershed basin which i will model as a 2d area. I can’t figure out how to model the 2d area for my basin from the watercress to the boundary of the lake. I will then insert the lake as a storage area and connect it with my 2d area (at the middle of the lake a small island exists which i also want to model as a 2d area).
    I consider inserting precipitation time series to all areas (the flow direction is from on side of the lake to the other where an overflow construction exists).
    The reason i ‘m not modeling the lake as a 2d area is because i don’t have any terrain data for the lake thus i’ll give a water surface elevation.


    I’m posting an example picture to see what i ‘d like to model.


    Do you have a storage area curve for the lake? You could break your model up into multiple 2D areas and have a storage area for the lake or modify the terrain near the lake.



    I am trying to use HEC-RAS rain on grid modeling for my master’s thesis and am encountering a similar question. I have a leveed stockpond that I am interested in modeling restoration scenarios with (notching levees in specific places to quantify increased flows back to the downstream environment). I have full bathymetry of the pond integrated with a high-res terrain model I collected with a UAV. I also have a storage curve for the pond and flow/drawdown data for the current water year. I am modeling the area as a 2D area due to the fact that the region is typically dry and flows are intermittent (Merced Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserve).

    Please advise as to whether I should post in a new thread – apologies as I am new to HEC-RAS and the forum.



    Yea Anna post in a new thread there are multiple things going on in your model that make it more of an iterative approach


    Hi Paul, I would like to ask if you could figure it out. I am having the same issue! If you could please tell me how did you solve the problem that would save me a lot of time!


    Hi Paul and Juan,

    I am working on a similar project. Any solutions you found for this challenge? I need your ideas.


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