Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HECRAS Controller steady flow analysis

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  • #8250
    Sauhardra Joshi

    i have error message while executing output_nodeoutput in PYTHON.

    # computations of the current plan
    v1,NMsg,TabMsg,v2 = RC.Compute_CurrentPlan(NMsg,TabMsg,block)
    # ID numbers of the river and the reach
    RivID,RchID = 1,1
    # to be populated: number of nodes, list of RS and node types
    NNod,TabRS,TabNTyp = None,None,None
    # reading project nodes: cross-sections, bridges, culverts, etc.
    v1,v2,NNod,TabRS,TabNTyp = \
    # ID of output variables: WSE, ave velocity
    WSE_id,AvVel_id = 2,23
    TabWSE = numpy.empty([NNod],dtype=float) # NumPy array for WSE
    TabVel = numpy.empty([NNod],dtype=float) # NumPy array for velocities
    #for i in range(0,NNod): # reading over nodes
    if TabNTyp[i] == “”: # simple cross-section
    # reading single water surface elevation
    TabWSE[i],v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6 =
    # reading single velocity
    TabVel[i],v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6 =\

    This code is from a paper i found.
    Code works fine upto “Compute_CurrentPlan”. Can anyone help me?

    Sauhardra Joshi

    This is the screenshot of the code.

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