I am trying to do an inundation for a dam breach using the mapper tool (2D analysis). The dam breach is modeled as a flow hydrograph with a max breach flow of about 7900 CFS calculated from HEC-HMS (Image 1). The model runs great with no errors. However, when I start to look at the profiles and their associated flows, something seems to be very off. The flows immediately downstream appear to be reasonable (Image 2), but as I go further downstream, I start to see inundated peak flows upwards of 2-3 times (sometimes more) than the max breach flow (Image 3 and Image 4). This doesn’t happen in real life!! I have messed with the computation times and nothing I do seems to help. Has anybody had this problem? What can I do to fix it? Is there a thread that will address this issue? I am about 40 hours into messing with it and just can not seem to make any progress. Thanks!