Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help SOLUTION SOLVER FAILED! Unstable for Initial Iteration at 31JUL2010 2400

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  • #5818

    Dear Sir Chris Goodell

    I am doing MS in Remote Sensing and GIS from National University of science and technology Islamabad Pakistan.
    My focus of research is 2010 flooding in Sindh Province Pakistan. My topic of research is “Flood inundation in northern Sind during floods 2010 and siting of Safe Haven : A Case Study of Levee Breach Induced Catastrophic Flooding”
    I have been working on this research for the last one and a half year, although I am able to run steady flow with split flow optimization on lateral structure. But I am facing problem in running unsteady flow analysis. Getting the following error

    Geometric Preprocessor Version 4.1.0 Jan 2010

    Finished Processing Geometry

    Performing Unsteady Flow Simulation Version 4.1.0 Jan 2010

    SOLUTION SOLVER FAILED! Unstable for Initial Iteration at 31JUL2010 2400

    Finished Unsteady Flow Simulation

    Writing Results to DSS
    Finished Writing Results to DSS

    Task Time
    Preprocessing Geometry 3.21 sec
    Unsteady Flow Computations 6.18 sec
    Writing to DSS 2.28 sec
    Complete Process 11.70 sec
    Computation messages written to: C:\HECGEoRAsWork\June\June10.p04.comp_msgs.txt

    Please help me

    Thanks in anticpation



    The model is crashing based on your initial conditions. You set these in the unsteady flow data editor in the initial conditions tab. Generally the initial conditions should be set so they match the flow of your inflow hydrograph.

    If you are still having problems after this, you can try a ramp up or hotstart to help stay stable.

    Ahmed Adel

    please check these online resources

    *- Common Model Stability Problems When Performing an Unsteady Flow Analysis
    *- Investigating Instabilities with HEC-RAS Unsteady Flow Modeling for Regulated Rivers at Low Flow Stages

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