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  • #8188

    I’m having some difficulty changing plans with the RAS controller using python. I’m attempting to set the current plan using both Plan_SetCurrent() and PlanOutput_SetCurrent(). When I run PlanOutput_IsCurrent(), the message returned states that RAS is looking at the proper plan and output file. I’m then getting a list of profiles using Output_GetProfiles(), which works fine for the first plan.

    The trouble is when I attempt to switch to a different plan. PlanOutput_IsCurrent() responds with the information for the second plan, but Output_GetProfiles() still returns the profiles for the first plan. The impression I’m getting is that Plan*_SetCurrent() can only be used once to the set the plan and that repeated call after setting an intial call are (partially) ignored. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Also, is there a way to determine the current plan? CurrentPlanFile() returns the file, but is there anyway to get the current plan name, besides grabbing it from the plan file?




    I’ve narrowed this down a bit, the plan appears to be getting “locked in place” by a call to Output_GetProfiles(). As long as I don’t call OGP(), it appears I can change plans all I like, but some how calling OGP() prevents me from successfully changing plans. Very weird. Also, “Breaking the HEC-RAS code” states that the first value passed to OGP() used to return the river ID, which doesn’t make any sense when asking for a list of profiles. Thoughts Chris G?

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