If you go the Profile Output Table, and then go to Options, and then select Define Table:
Select Sta W.S. Lft and Sta W.S. Rgt. This will give you where the water intersects on the left and right side of the cross section for every cross section.
You can then copy these results.
Go to the geometry editor, select tables, and go to Bank Stations. You can paste in the new bank station.
If you have any bridges/culverts or inline weirs, be careful that everything stays lined up.
If you wanted the bank stations to be a little below the water line, run the model, copy the water surfaces to a spreadsheet, subtract a little off the water surfaces, and then paste these water surfaces into the flow editor, under the set Changes in water surface, enter the values as a known water surface. Run the model and the water intersections will now be for the lower water surface.