Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Setting Bank Stations Below a Water Profile

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  • #7050
    Abdul R Siddiqui

    Hi All,

    I am a beginner so please don’t mind if it is common knowledge.

    I have a model that I need to fix bank stations for. The current model has some cross sections where bank stations are above 100 year water surface profiles.

    My question is that is there a quick way to set bank stations just below a certain water surface profile (say 10 years) for all the cross sections that currently have bank stations above 100 year water surface elevation?


    Scott Miller

    Open the cross-section data and click on the button for the graphical cross-section editor. You can use the LB and RB buttons to quickly move the bank stations.


    There is an option to set the bank stations to the wse elevation. So run the 10 year flows, use this option and you should be good to go with any other flow.


    But is this for one cross-section at a time or multiple cross sections?


    This is for one cross-section at a time. I am looking to do this for all cross section at the same time I have multiple Cross-sections.


    If you go the Profile Output Table, and then go to Options, and then select Define Table:

    Select Sta W.S. Lft and Sta W.S. Rgt. This will give you where the water intersects on the left and right side of the cross section for every cross section.

    You can then copy these results.

    Go to the geometry editor, select tables, and go to Bank Stations. You can paste in the new bank station.

    If you have any bridges/culverts or inline weirs, be careful that everything stays lined up.

    If you wanted the bank stations to be a little below the water line, run the model, copy the water surfaces to a spreadsheet, subtract a little off the water surfaces, and then paste these water surfaces into the flow editor, under the set Changes in water surface, enter the values as a known water surface. Run the model and the water intersections will now be for the lower water surface.


    Thanks A lot

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