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- This topic has 8 replies, 1,920 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 10 months ago by TDy.
May 1, 2013 at 11:15 am #5257TDyParticipant
I’m trying to use “Sediment Transport Capacity” option under “Run/Hydraulic Design Functions”. I have a problem, which I don’t understand. Everything seems to be prepared well, the computations run, but there is nothing in results. Sometimes the results are zero independently on the conditions. I have to add that “SIAM” option configured in the same way works well and gives reasonable results. The same way means with the same sediment reaches and sediment samples, using the same sediment transport formulas.
Supposedly I did some mistake during the preparation of my project, which I don’t understand. I would like to compare my project with any working example of “Sediment Transport Capacity” application. Unfortunately, there is no such project in “Example Projects” copied to the disk during HEC-RAS installation. Could somebody give me a link to or send me working example with application of “Sediment Transport Capacity”? I’ll appreciateMay 1, 2013 at 10:08 pm #8338Chris G.KeymasterWhere are you looking for output? There are special output plots for sediment transport capacity. Please have a look through both the Users Manual and Hydraulic Reference Manual. They describe the process fairly well.
May 4, 2013 at 9:44 pm #8339TDyParticipantI’m checking output by pushing one of two buttons located near options Compute for This Sediment Reach/Compute for all Sediment Reaches. These are on the left in window Hydraulic Design Functions, if the type is Sediment Transport Capacity. Another window with plot of results is opened after that. In this window I don’t see much, only single point.
Then I’ll push the Report button located in the top of the window. And there is some information about the data provided. In the section, where results should be written, there are no numbers/digits in the column for results. Only empty place.
If you see something wrong in this procedure, please write it to me.August 21, 2015 at 8:35 pm #8340Virgilio AnselmoParticipantI am just finding that same obstacle. It looks like data have been properly supplied, but clicking on both buttons, results are zero. The report summarizes tha data but zero bedload.
A quick evaluation of the transport capacity according to Shields’ criterion shows that bedload should exist.August 22, 2015 at 6:03 pm #8341AnonymousGuestBe sure that you have the “Sediment Output Options” (under “Sediment Transport Analysis”) set to 2 or higher. There’s an example data set included with the RAS 4.1 download (Euclid Sediment Transport Example) that might be useful.
January 17, 2016 at 5:22 pm #8342Virgilio AnselmoParticipantWorking with the “Euclid” sediment transport example, Hec-Ras runs, but at the request of “View/sediment Spatial Plot”, the file EuclidExample.sed08 cannot be opened because or “Typemismatch” error. The file does exist. What can I do ?
January 22, 2016 at 11:57 pm #8343AnonymousGuestHello SIAM users. I am creating a SIAM model and cannot find a way around this problem: I am creating new sediment reaches and filling in all of the appropriate data. I am copying each reach moving downstream and updating the XS’s to define the bounds of the next downstream reach. By the time I arrive to the third sediment reach, the annualized flow duration values to not copy over, that is, the Hydro tab is totally blank with no discharge values in it. SIAM brings these discharge values over from the RAS hydraulic model and you cannot enter them manually, only the days/year and temperature values. When I try to Apply the changes to the new sediment reach I receive an “Error Saving Duration Curve Data” message.
Anyone else run into this problem? I’ve tried to work around it by entering the flow duration data manually into the SIAM input file, but SIAM doesn’t read it for some reason.
JoelJanuary 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm #8344TDyParticipantReturn-Path:
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Mon, 25 Jan 2016 00:38:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Sediment Transport Capacity
To: Joel S [via HEC-RAS Help]
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From: Tomasz DysarzMessage-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 09:38:17 +0100
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printableHello Joel,
I saw such problems with SIAM module in HEC-RAS. I don’t know the
reason. I think you can manage this in three ways:1. Reload the whole SIAM model – sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
2. Insert proper data directly into input file, which is ASCII file. You
have tried this. This is very difficult, because you should be careful
as much as it possible. The structure of this file is not very
“friendly” for ordinary user. If you miss any sign or add some
unnecessary line, the file will not be read by HEC-RAS. As you saw.3. Rebuilt the whole model once again. It sound terrible, but I did it
several times. The SIAM in HEC-RAS is not working well. If you want to
use it, you should be very patient.The problem is also the lack of information on this algorithm and its
implementation. As I noticed there are not many people in HEC, who knows
how it works. I suppose, that somebody who prepared this element is not
working in HEC any more. So, you can use it, but expect problems.Please, let me know if you find (1) the reason of this error or other
errors in SIAM, or (2) better solution then those listed above. I’m also
interested in application of SIAM and I experienced such errors.Best wishes,
TomekTomasz Dysarz, Ph.D., Env. Eng.
Poznan University of Life Sciences
Faculty of Reclamation and Environmental Engineering
Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering
ul. Piatkowska 94 A
60-649 Poznan
POLANDphone: +48 61 846 65 86
fax: +48 61 848 77 26
web: http://www.up.poznan.pl/kbw/W dniu 22-Jan-16 o 8:57 PM, Joel S [via HEC-RAS Help] pisze:
> Hello SIAM users. I am creating a SIAM model and cannot find a way
> around this problem: I am creating new sediment reaches and filling
> in all of the appropriate data. I am copying each reach moving
> downstream and updating the XS’s to define the bounds of the next
> downstream reach. By the time I arrive to the third sediment reach,
> the annualized flow duration values to not copy over, that is, the
> Hydro tab is totally blank with no discharge values in it. SIAM brings
> these discharge values over from the RAS hydraulic model and you
> cannot enter them manually, only the days/year and temperature values.
> When I try to Apply the changes to the new sediment reach I receive an
> “Error Saving Duration Curve Data” message.
> Anyone else run into this problem? I’ve tried to work around it by
> entering the flow duration data manually into the SIAM input file, but
> SIAM doesn’t read it for some reason.
> Thanks,
> Joel
> ————————————————————————
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the
> discussion below:
> http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/Sediment-Transport-Capacity-tp4=
> To unsubscribe from Sediment Transport Capacity, click here
> <http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=
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Hello Joel,I saw such problems with SIAM module in HEC-RAS. I don’t know the
reason. I think you can manage this in three ways:1. Reload the whole SIAM model – sometimes it helps, sometimes it
doesn’t.2. Insert proper data directly into input file, which is ASCII file.
You have tried this. This is very difficult, because you should be
careful as much as it possible. The structure of this file is not
very “friendly” for ordinary user. If you miss any sign or add some
unnecessary line, the file will not be read by HEC-RAS. As you saw.3. Rebuilt the whole model once again. It sound terrible, but I did
it several times. The SIAM in HEC-RAS is not working well. If you
want to use it, you should be very patient.The problem is also the lack of information on this algorithm and
its implementation. As I noticed there are not many people in HEC,
who knows how it works. I suppose, that somebody who prepared this
element is not working in HEC any more. So, you can use it, but
expect problems.Please, let me know if you find (1) the reason of this error or
other errors in SIAM, or (2) better solution then those listed
above. I’m also interested in application of SIAM and I experienced
such errors.Best wishes,
TomekTomasz Dysarz, Ph.D., Env. Eng. Poznan University of Life Sciences Faculty of Reclamation and Environmental Engineering Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering ul. Piatkowska 94 A 60-649 Poznan POLAND phone: +48 61 846 65 86 fax: +48 61 848 77 26 web: http://www.up.poznan.pl/kbw/
W dniu 22-Jan-16 o 8:57 PM, Joel S [via
HEC-RAS Help] pisze:type="cite"> Hello SIAM users. Â I am creating a SIAM model and
cannot find a way around this problem: Â I am creating new sediment
reaches and filling in all of the appropriate data. I am copying
each reach moving downstream and updating the XS’s to define the
bounds of the next downstream reach. By the time I arrive to the
third sediment reach, the annualized flow duration values to not
copy over, that is, the Hydro tab is totally blank with no
discharge values in it. SIAM brings these discharge values over
from the RAS hydraulic model and you cannot enter them manually,
only the days/year and temperature values. When I try to Apply the
changes to the new sediment reach I receive an “Error Saving
Duration Curve Data” message.Anyone else run into this problem? Â I’ve tried to work around it
by entering the flow duration data manually into the SIAM input
file, but SIAM doesn’t read it for some reason.Thanks,
If you reply to this email, your
message will be added to the discussion below:http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/Sediment-Transport-Capacity-tp41p2261.html
Ta wiadomoÅÄ zostaÅa sprawdzona na obecnoÅÄ wirusów przez oprogramowanie antywirusowe Avast.
February 8, 2016 at 9:24 am #8345AnonymousGuestTDy,
Thanks for the suggestions. It turns out that when you create a new sediment reach, if you go to the “Plan Name” drop-down box in the SIAM window and select the appropriate steady flow plan again then it will trigger SIAM to import the flow data into the Hydrology tab. A weird quirk, but seems to work.
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