I get an error after a Sediment Transport Analysis,
Sediment Time Series Plot and Sediment Spatioal Plot do not load.
Error reading format of file: E:\####.sed01
Type mismatch
I tried with different models and on different computers.
Hi, I had the same problem.
Don´t ask me why, but in my case it helped to change the starting date (in the Simulation Time Window) from january to february.
Sometimes it´s weerd 😉
This error can also occur when the output sediment file gets too big (I think >2GB for 32-bit Ras). You can try reducing the output level or the output increment or timeseries length, or perhaps write to DSS. This will probably not be an issue in future 64-bit versions that write to HDF5.
I keep getting the same problem, and it is not an issue of size, my output is only 5 MB and it tells me the same thing, does anyone else know why this might be?