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    I am modifying the geometry file within a loop in HEC-RAS controller. Is it possible to save each of these edited files as a new Geometry file or a new plan? I observe that it overwrites the same file and this doesn’t allow for parallel computing/save specific outputs.

    Chris G.

    Yes, just give it a each new file a new name. If you want to stay consistent with RAS convention, keep the project name the same, just change the file extension (e.g. Project.g01, Project.g02, etc). You may have to rewrite the project and plan files accordingly so that RAS recognizes the new files.


    Once again, Thanks a lot Chris. Does doing so affect the hdf file associated with the geometry file? Like am i supposed to create a new hdf file for a new geometry file?

    Chris G.

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    Once you bring in the newly created Geometry file, delete the associated HDF=
    file. Then save the geometry in RAS. That will force RAS to rewrite the HDF=
    file for the new geometry.=20

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Mar 10, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Bharath [via HEC-RAS Help] wrote:
    > Once again, Thanks a lot Chris. Does doing so affect the hdf file associat=
    ed with the geometry file? Like am i supposed to create a new hdf file for a=
    new geometry file?=20
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    > NAML

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    Once you bring in the newly created Geometry file, delete the associated HDF file. Then save the geometry in RAS. That will force RAS to rewrite the HDF file for the new geometry. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Mar 10, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Bharath [via HEC-RAS Help] <[email protected]> wrote:

    Once again, Thanks a lot Chris. Does doing so affect the hdf file associated with the geometry file? Like am i supposed to create a new hdf file for a new geometry file?

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    I think this thread gets at my question, but I want to clarify.

    I have a plan set up using g01 file, and I am using VBA/RASController to
    1. run the plan p01
    2. get a WSE from that plan and test it against a target WSE
    3. Rewrite the g01 file (using a g01temp as intermediate file) with new geometry for a single cross section.
    4. rerun the plan p01 with the updated g01 file.
    5. test the WSE again, and if necessary, repeat.

    I’m not sure RC.Project_Save is achieving the goal of RAS recognizing the new g01 file after the text is modified. Do I need to RC.Quit_RAS between every step? Do I just need to write to a different geometry file (g02) and then have a different plan (p02) and open it after the modifications have been made, then run the new plan?

    I am doing this on a geometry file that is +50k lines so I need it to be as efficient as possible.

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