Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help SA/2D Connection Output Wonky

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  • #17516
    Conor Shea

    I am encountering a problem with the output for a SA/2D connection between two 2D flow areas. The connection consists of two box culverts that connect a 2d area with a river channel to a 2D area of tidal marsh. It appears the only way to review the discharge through the culverts is to View|Stage and Flow Hydrographs. (View|Detailed Output Tables for SA/2D connection are empty.)

    My problem is that the discharge hydrographs appear to be incorrect. I am running a series of unsteady flow simulations with steady state discharge in the channel upstream of the SA/2D connection. If I examine simulation results in RAS/Mapper using profile lines immediately upstream and downstream of the SA/2D connection, the discharges are correct. The hydrograph view, however, show either zero discharge, double the discharge, or sometimes something wonky.
    Have others encountered something similar to this? Is there another way to review the results for a SA/2D connection? In particular, I am interested in flow velocities through the culverts.

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