Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HECRAS Controller Running API in python – RAS is closed before it has time to run in loop

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  • #16182
    Kathleen H.

    Within a python script I am editing the unsteady flow file, calling the RAS api, and then exporting the results of interest, but my RAS window is being closed before it has time to complete a simulation. I have included the portion of code of interest below.

    import win32com.client
    hec = win32com.client.Dispatch(‘RAS630.HECRASController’)
    hec.Project_Open(r”file path”)

    I have come across the option to use time.sleep(# seconds), which works, but I anticipate some of my runs to take longer. Has anyone come across this and found a way to resolve it?

    Kathleen H.

    For those who run into the same issue – I resolved this by defining the three arguments needed in Compute_CurrentPlan(). The third argument is Blocking Mode and when set to True, the code waits for the RAS computation to complete before moving to the next line of code.

    So use:
    hec.Compute_CurrentPlan(None, None, True)

    I checked what was being seen by assigning a variable and then printing.
    test = hec.Compute_CurrentPlan(None, None, True)

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