Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Run a simulation on Amazon Cloud

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  • #7531


    We do have a server with an Intel 8275CL CPU which has 48 cores.

    The simulation has 85000 cells that need to run over 10 days with 10 sec. timestep.

    Actually it takes 10 hours to run on this server.

    We have tried to run the simulation on Amazon Cloud. In order to complete our test, we have setuped a EC2 instance (c5d.24xlarge, 96 CPUs and 192 gigs ram).

    With this kind of computer it took 9 hours which is not a good improvement.

    Does someone has ever successufully tried this kind of experiment and obtained better time?



    Adding more cores does not always make an improvement as the program has to split the model up for each core. You would want to determine what is the optimal number of cores required. HEC-RAS also uses physical cores only so on the cloud/server you would need to make sure you are looking at physical cores not virtual cores.

    You would also want to make sure you are using a cpu with a high speed as some of the larger chips with large amount of cpu’s have lower speeds.

    There is some documentation on this as part of the 2D manual for HEC-RAS and on the blog as a post.

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