Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums River Ice Modeling with HEC-RAS river ice model with HEC-RAS 2D

  • This topic has 1 reply, 588 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I was wondering if it is possible 2D river ice modelling (ice jam and ice covered river)

    I have currently implement a 2D model with hec0ras for open-water (no ice) conditions of the river and I am going to add ice jam to this river.

    Thanks for your considerations,



    RAS does not have 2D ice cover or ice jam capabilities at this time. The ice cover and ice jam routines were developed for steady flow 1D models. Unsteady 1D models with ice jams linked to 2D areas may run, but the routines were not designed for that use and the results are not valid.

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