Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HECRAS Controller Retrieve Pump Station results

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  • #8208

    Hi Everyone

    I’m new using the HeCRASController, I would like to use it to retrieve the result of some pump stations I have in my model. Specifically I need the flow and pumping head for the entire simulation time. Does anyone know how to do that?


    Carlos M

    Chris G.

    Try using Output_NodeOutput. The variable number for pumping head is 247. Q pump group is 240, and Q pump station is 244.


    Hi Chris Thank you for the answer, yes I was checking it on your book, but I have a doubt, what should I put for the node and the updn arguments?

    What if I have more than 1 pumping station?



    Chris G.

    Not quite sure what the node Is for a pumping station would be. Perhaps you can find that in the geometry text file? Updn is not applicable for pumping stations, so you can put anything there. Suggest just putting 0.


    Hi Chris Thanks again, I checked the geo file and the pump info its almost at the end but I dont see and Node ID.

    Just to test the Output_NodeOutput I create a dummt projecto with one pump station ( I attached it) and then a I wrote the following program to test it using the var code 247 for pumping head. Im getting in return 3.402823E+38, I try changing the Node ID, the Profile ID but I keeep getting the same number, I should be getting 2 m.

    If you know what can i do o what Im doing wrong Ill appreciate it Chris.

    Sub RunRAS()

    ‘Instantiate a new HECRASController Class
    Dim HRC As New HECRASController
    ‘Open a new project.
    Dim strRASProject As String
    strRASProject = “C:\Users\CARLOS\Documents\HEC Data\RC_Pumps\RCpumps.prj”
    HRC.Project_Open strRASProject

    ‘Run the HEC-RAS Project
    Dim lngMessages As Long

    Dim strMessages() As String
    HRC.Compute_CurrentPlan lngMessages, strMessages()

    Dim PH As Single

    PH = HRC.Output_NodeOutput(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 247)

    MsgBox PH


    End Sub

    Carlos M


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