I am trying to extract maximum Water Surface Elevation from my 1D/2D hecras model to excel. Do we have to consider the reaches as nodes? I have 14 numbers of stations in the model. Single river & reach.During the fourth iteration of i=1 to 14 in the below macro at the line I have marked, the model giving me run time error 9 (subscript out of range). What could be the error I have done there?Any advice?
Dim WSE() As Single
ReDim WSE(1 To Nos_RS)
Dim outputID As Long
outputID = 2
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Nos_RS
If Nodetype(i) = “” Then
WSE(i) = HRC.Output_NodeOutput(IDRiver, IDReach, i, 0, 14, outputID) “<--- Model crashes
RStation(i) = HRC.Geometry.NodeRS(IDRiver, IDReach, i)
End If
Next i