Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Resample entire terrain to single GeoTiff not showing up

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  • #18038
    steven crisp


    I am trying to export my terrain model into Civil3D and the video I am watching (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PtVpWZbCj0) time around 19:12 where they show they have 5 options on exporting while I only have 2. Export current image to TIF and export current image to JPEG. I really need to “Resample entire terrain to single GeoTiff” but it is not appearing.

    Is there another way to export the terrain file to civil3D as the TIF image generated is not recognized by Civil3D.

    Thank you

    Bryce Cruey

    They are likely using an older version of RAS and RAS Mapper (not sure which one). Neither of those options given to you in the version you are running will give you the result you need for importing into Civil3D. You will likely notice that the file produced is way to small to be an elevation raster dataset. The latest version of RAS (6.4.1) gives another option to “Export Raster”, which is closer to what you want as it will produce an elevation raster dataset. However, I just tried it and the file is also not recognized by Civil3D.

    I was able to import the raster produced by Mapper into ArcGIS and then export from Arc to a new Geotiff that will load into Civil3D, but that seems like a lot of steps.

    You might try an older Mapper version. Or, the Arc route, though clunky, works.

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