Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Reply to Gary Brunner – infiltration

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  • #7062

    1. Do you think it is a good idea to put infiltration methods into HEC-RAS?

    yes definitely

    2. If so, what methods would you like to see?

    I would like to see variable methods used as HECRAS is a global software that is used by many hydrologists who use different methods that apply to their region.

    3. Have you used the SCS Curve number method in any hydrologic modeling investigations?


    4. If you have used the SCS method, was it successful in calibrating the model? Or did you need to switch to a different method?

    Not used

    In Australia we would like to see methods that apply to both ARR 1987 and ARR 2016
    as both methods are still being used by local authorities for small scale flood study projects.


    Australia gets everything

    lets leave RAS to tend to the USA….lol jk

    But for real how nice is XPSWMM for australians, its all there for you, MIKE classes right by you. I too answered his questions but in the response thread itself


    haha…well it is Gods Country after all…in fact, the bible measurements of the new Jerusalem is almost the size of Australia…go figure…!!!!

    As for XP-SWMM it is great but being the aussies we are, everyone here favours TUFLOW with no GUI…

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