Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Renaming Result Files

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  • #15399
    Nicole Del Monaco

    Hi, I am trying to rename my result .hdf files to match the plan file names. We have tried editing with the textbox, using python to try to change the result file name, but no matter what when we review the rasmapper results the name remains unchanged. Has anyone had success with changing the results name?

    Kate Bradbrook

    I have the same question!

    Kate Bradbrook

    You can use HDFView from https://www.hdfgroup.org/downloads/hdfview/?1700476785 to edit the plan names in hdf file 🙂

    Kate Bradbrook

    Make sure the file is opened read/write. Find plan title/short ID attributes, double-click, change, CLICK AGAIN IN FORM BUT OUTSIDE OF CHECK BOX, so that when you close attribute form it asks if you want to save file. There are 5 separate instances of plan title/short ID (3 in plan>plan information and 2 in results>unsteady). I’ve been changing all 5 which takes time – not sure if that’s necessary or not….but it works!


    When I’ve wanted to update the ShortID I’ve needed to increase the length, and I haven’t quite been able to figure out how to get the Type and Array size both matching what HEC-RAS produces whether using h5py or hdfview. I presume this is why I end up not being able to see the results anymore. If anyone does manage to succeed with this it would be great to see exactly how they do it.

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