I am modeling an outlet channel from a hydro power plant. The channel is 500 m long, almost horizontal. The downstream end of the channel is connected to a larger river with a junction, forming a T.
I am running an un-steady model to investigate the water level changes in the channel when the hydro plant starts and stops. In 100 sec the flow goes from 1 m3/s to 80 m3/s, leading to a wave travelling downstream towards the junction.
The problem, (or maybe it is not a problem?), is that the junctions reflects the wave. When the wave reaches the junction, a new wave is formed in the upstream direction.
This is not necessarily wrong, waves may be reflected at expansions, contractions, junctions etc. However, I am surprised by the large amplitude. I know that several hydraulic models dont handle waves well at internal /external boundaries.
So finally, the question. Do any of you have experience with dynamic waves (not gradual flood waves) passing junctions in RAS?