Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Refine DEM with survey points

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  • #15798

    I would appreciate some guidance.

    I have a DEM for my area of interest as well as surveyed spot heights (XYZ data) for a flood wall that form part of the flood protection scheme as well as some cross section data.

    How do about utilizing the XYZ data to define and refine the flood wall?


    I presume the cross-sections are of the flood wall.
    Assuming you are building a 2D model, there are three options:
    – use a 2D connection
    – use a terrain modification
    – modify your terrain before bringing it into HEC-RAS
    I would use a terrain modification but probably also put a 2D connection along the crest.

    Are you still looking for this guidance?
    Is the problem that you have very many points and you need help dealing with them efficiently?

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