Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Re: Flow transfer from 1D to 2D areas

  • This topic has 1 reply, 300 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #5702

    I do not think this will accomplish what I am looking to do. I want to maintain 1D cross sections for the right overbank and channel portion of my channel and replace the left overbank (floodplain) with a 2D section to model the flow across the floodplain at a confluence. The water flows out of the one reach, across a floodplain, and enters the downstream reach after the two reaches are joined at a junction. I have bridges in my 1D model that I need to maintain, so I can not just replace the entire section of the reach with a 2D section. I have tried using a lateral structure, but it does not seem to work very well for my situation, so I was wondering if the remaining sections of the 1D cross sections could be directly connected to the 2D left floodplain without the use of a lateral structure.

    A second option would be to replace the entire confluence area with a 2D model, but I do not see how to include bridge structures within a 2D area.

    Lonnie A

    If I understand your question correctly yes you should be able to model one side of the channel in 2D. You can trim the left overbank to near the channel. Place a lateral weir at the end of the trimmed left overbank and use the 2d area for the left overbank floodplain. You can use several laterals so that flow can go from/to different reaches.

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