Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help RAS mapper 5.0 inundation boundary is jagged

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    My inundation boundary is a jagged line. I didn’t have this problem with Mapper in RAS 4.1, with the same terrain and RAS files. Is there a setting I am missing?

    Here is a link to an image showing the inundation boundary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kya4mj3qXibtdQuqBj7VwSBFsiyV13YqUNP1glPuZNY/edit?usp=sharing


    Have you try using different rendering mode in the official release of HECRAS5?
    Right click on Result in RasMapper and try it out. That might solve it.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I tried that, but it didn’t seem to make a difference for me.

    I think I fixed it. I exported the surface layer from GIS to a new GeoTIFF elevation surface, but this time, I made the sample spacing grid 1 ft x 1 ft (instead of default 10ft x10ft). I then imported this as a new terrain in RAS Mapper.

    This resulted in a smoother line (see new screenshot below). Funny, I didn’t need to tighten up my surface to that degree with 4.1 RAS Mapper.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8uRA6N_hFgLRmNkeG5wOF92M00/view?usp=sharing


    Finally do you find why the Inundation Bondary SHP exported was jagged? I have models in certain pc that can export smooth surface but in other pc not. In both computers I can view smooth results in RAS MAPPER with Slope render mode, but when export the inundation boundary, one of them creates a jagged shp.

    Someone have the same problem?

    Graeme M.

    Sometimes it looks jagged if the terrain is not properly associated to the results layer. Did you assign the terrain?


    Yes, the terrain is the same. The problem is when I generate the inundation boundary shp in RAS Mapper, save this file and open this Shp in GIS software, the inundation boundary is jagged.

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