Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Rain on Grid (hecras 6.1) model has huge Precip. Excess in mm and fails

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  • #15258
    Mike Andreadis

    I am working on my thesis which is a modeling run of rain data collected by three stations of which, i monitor a stream which collects all the rain from a basin and I check if it will overvlow, how much etc.
    i have spatial data of the island, such as DEM (terain), which i edit it to have the bathymetry of the stream, the Geometry which i created (contains river (bank lines and flow path), Cross section , Storage Area, 2D Flow Area (Perimeters, Break lines), Boundary Condition Lines (1 which is outflow outside of the boarder of the 2D flow area). I have the correct projection (confirmed with map layer).
    So i go to Edit unsteady flow data and at B.C tab, my river i hasn’t an option for B.C so i let it be, at the storage/2D flow Area i chose Flow Hydrograph which i enter 0 flow at all the time of the simulation, and the EG slope at a given number (0,01788).
    At Initial Condition tab , some cross stations are enabled to enter initial flow which i use 0.
    At Met. Data tab, i enable Precipitation, and i edit 3 station with x,y, and the mm/h data, which are INST/Val, the time of sim is from a specific day and 0:00:00 to 5 days later, 23:00:00 hour.
    So then i go Run Unsteady Flow analysis,
    tick Geometry Processor, Unsteady Flow Sim, Post Processor, enter the dates and times, and select for Computational interval and Hydroraph Interval : 30 mins, Mapping and Detailed Output Interval : 1 hour. Other settings are default.
    When i run the bellow mesage comes at output file.
    HEC-RAS – River Analysis System

    Project File: c:\———————-.prj

    Project Name: —————

    Plan Name: Plan 05

    Short ID: 4

    Starting Time: 21Nov2015 0100

    Ending Time: 26Nov2015 2300

    # #
    # #
    # 1D and 2D Unsteady Flow Module #
    # #
    # #
    # HEC-RAS 6.1 September #
    # #
    # 09JAN22 at 11:50:09 #
    # #

    *** Volume Accounting for 1D Flow Area in 1000 m^3 ***

    US Inflow DS Outflow Lat Hydro SA Hydro Groundwater Diversions Precip Excess Precip Excess
    (m^3) (mm)
    ********* ********** ********* ******** *********** ********** ************* *************
    477.9 485496864.

    Start 1D Reach Final 1D Reach Starting SA’s Final SA’s
    ************** ************** ************* **********
    0.001569 1375.

    *** Volume Accounting for 2D Flow Area in 1000 m^3 ***

    2D Area Starting Vol Ending Vol Cum Inflow Cum Outflow Error Percent Error Precip Excess Precip Excess
    (incl. precip) (m^3) (mm)
    ******* ************ ********** ********** *********** ***** ************* ************* *************

    Watershed_Ag_Har 13.81 11.64 2.163 18.58 11.64 11832413.

    *** Total Volume Accounting (for the entire model) in 1000 m^3 ***

    Total Boundary Flux of Water In 489.5
    Total Boundary Flux of Water Out 0.000000

    Starting Volume 0.001569
    Ending Volume 1389.

    Precipitation Excess (m^3) 489.5
    Precipitation Excess (mm) 248702401.

    Error Percent Error
    ***** *************
    899.2 183.7
    If anyone has any syggestion please reply. If more info or files needed reply!
    Thanks in advance,

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