I have a question regarding modeling levees within HEC RAS 4.1.0.
The stream I am modeling has a levee on one side with a large amount of agricultural area (5.5 square miles) on the opposite side of the levee from the stream. I have indicated the station and elevation of the levee using the levee option in the cross section window, however, when running a steady flow analysis, the levee is overtopped, and flows accumulate within the stream channel section, rather than being lowered as flow is diverted over the levee. It would seem that once the levee is overtopped, the higher flow elevations would be similar in elevation, rather than the elevations the program is generating (I am getting WS elevations up to 5-feet above the top of the levee surface within the main channel).
Can you please advise as to which function I should use to properly represent water surfaces within the channel after the WS elevation crests the levee?