Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Problem with project in 2DFlow

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  • #6281

    Hello everybody,
    I have a problem and i would like to help me. I am trying to run Hec-ras 5.0.3 2Dflow and i cannot understand why the flow data are wrong.
    First of all i would like to run a flow analysis with a supply of 10800 m3/sec because thats the supply of water that it will spilled downwards from a dam that it will be ready to fail.
    So, i thought that it is easier to make only 2dflow analysis ans a steady flow ones.
    I made the terrain,

    i place the Upstream and Downstream. I run steady flow analysis and when i am going to get the flooded area i am getting this result.
    Where is my mistake and the flood result doesnt cover the 2D area ?

    Please help me because i am in confusion.


    It appears you have a 1d section of river in your 2d extent. Try removing your 1d river, and run in only 2d. If you want a 1d channel and a 2d floodplain you will need to modify your 2d mesh to not cover the cross sections, and create links to your 1d cross sections with lateral structures.


    So i would try to run it again without 1D at all. I will place the upstream and the downstream of the river. The water will flow in the river automatically or i have to use some breaklines in the river banks?

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