From about station 0 to 300 and then 1800 to the end, the weir is below the terrain. That is what the error is about. Either shorten the weir, or raise the ends of the weir above the terrain. To raise the ends of the weir above the terrain, click on the terrain profile button and copy the profile table. Paste it to a spreadsheet and add a few millimeters to the elevation. This helps stay above the headwater and tailwater elevations for each cell, which look like steps in the graphic.
Remove any rows where profile elevations are lower than the weir elevation, and set stations at the ends of the weir to the weir elevation (at about 300 and 1800). Open the weir/embankment data and paste the station-elevation numbers there. Double check to make sure the new elevations do not cut the corners of any of those steps. That should take care of the error.
The breach should not go lower than the headwater terrain elevation, or there will be a similar error.