Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Problem in exporting RAS Tiles for Web Mapping

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  • #6530

    Hi everyone,

    I used RAS 5.0.3 to perform some 2D unsteady analysis and I would like to export dynamic inundation maps in order to visualize it in Google Earth Pro.

    So I tried the RAS Tiles Export process to obtain a .db cache file (2D Modeling User’s Manual – 5_11), defined Cache Level, profiles interval and select output directory and name, but nothing happened.

    When the process starts, it gives back a blank Compute Window for hours, whether if I choose a very short profile interval or longer to export. Moreover, trying to close this compute window causes a Not Responding problem in HEC-RAS.

    It’s a sort of bug of the software or I got something wrong?

    Another question : as I understand it, with the Result Map Parameters windows I can only create static maps or shapefile. Is it possible to export videos or similars?

    Thank you!

    Paul Meems

    Did you even found a solution?
    I’m trying to do the same with v5.0.5 and nothing happens.


    You have to download some additional files at the location below for it to work.



    Yea its still kind of vague. Ive never been successful at it either

    If anyone has a way or step by step instruction please post it here. (the corps step by step wasnt good enough for me)

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