Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Problem importing polygon shape files into Ras Mapper

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  • #7701

    As part of a 2d analysis, I want to import roughly 41 000 building footprints for quite a big area.

    I use the normal method in RAS Mapper to import a shapefile by means editing the Override Regions (Edit Layer) – Layer Properties – Features – Import Features – building footprint shapefile. The shapefile, consisting of a multiple merged polygons (instead of individual polygons which could potentially be the problem) imports but creates lines connecting various the start and endpoint of the polygon to another polygon.

    Based on this I’m assuming that RAS interprets the merged layer as single polygon instead of multiple separate polygons vs ArcMap that is able to distinguish between the various polygons.

    The primary reason for merging the building footprint is to reduce the effort and time of working with 41000 separate building footprint and each of their individual properties.

    Any suggestion on how to address this issue?


    What are you trying to do with the buildings? Use them for Manning’s? Use them as mesh refinement regions?

    I would not recommend loading in 41000 building footprints as Mapper will just be extremely slow if they all load at all. I have loaded in thousands and thousands of polygons before, but I ended up reducing it down to only the buildings that would significantly impact the results.

    I have also just burned the buildings into the terrain which worked pretty well.

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