Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Probabilistic Floodplain mapping

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  • #6163

    I am running a monte-carlo simulation that outputs water surface elevations for probabilistic floodplain mapping. I am having trouble figuring out the best way to convert the water surface elevations (greater than 100 simulations) into a floodplain map. Is ras Mapper capable of reading in a text file of water surface elevations and delineating a floodplain? Any feedback is helpful. Thanks!

    Chris G.

    You might explore using python to write a script to create a plan hdf file. Unfortunately, there’s no real documentation on how to do this. You can, however, write an output text file that can be read into GIS using GeoRAS. There you should be able to automate the process of creating shapefiles. I’m interested in hearing more about your probabilistic approach to floodplain modeling.

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