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  • #5624


    I would just like to ask if it is okay to use both SI units and the English system for performing sediment analysis. I’m just new to HEC-RAS and my boss kept on telling me that I can’t use the SI units if I would like to perform sediment analysis.

    Or is there a way to convert the geometric data from meters to feet?

    Please help me out! ㅜㅜ

    Chris G.

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    Subject: Re: Performing sediment transport analysis
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    There have been some bugs with SI units with sediment in the past. Hopefully=
    they have been cleared up for version 5.0. I’d try it in 5.0, just be caref=
    ul. Yes, you can convert from SI to US Customary. It’s in the Options menu i=
    tem in the main RAS window.=20

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Nov 6, 2014, at 10:17 PM, Micah [via HEC-RAS Help] wrote:
    > Hi,=20
    > I would just like to ask if it is okay to use both SI units and the Englis=
    h system for performing sediment analysis. I’m just new to HEC-RAS and my bo=
    ss kept on telling me that I can’t use the SI units if I would like to perfo=
    rm sediment analysis.=20
    > Or is there a way to convert the geometric data from meters to feet?=20
    > Please help me out! =E3=85=9C=E3=85=9C=20
    > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion b=
    > http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/Performing-sediment-transport-an=
    > To unsubscribe from HEC-RAS Help, click here.
    > NAML

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    There have been some bugs with SI unit=
    s with sediment in the past. Hopefully they have been cleared up for version=
    5.0. I’d try it in 5.0, just be careful. Yes, you can convert from SI to US=
    Customary. It’s in the Options menu item in the main RAS window. 
    <= br>Sent from my iPhone
    On Nov 6, 2014, at 10:17 PM, Micah [via=
    HEC-RAS Help] <=
    [email protected]> wrote:


    I would just like to ask if it is okay to use both SI units and the E=
    nglish system for performing sediment analysis. I’m just new to HEC-RAS and m=
    y boss kept on telling me that I can’t use the SI units if I would like to p=
    erform sediment analysis.

    Or is there a way to convert the geometric data from meters to feet?=

    Please help me out! =E3=85=9C=E3=85=9C


    If you reply to this email,=
    your message will be added to the discussion below:


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