Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Overall Volume Accounting Error – 2D SEDIMENT TRANSPORT

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  • #16044
    Ingrid Cintura

    I am trying to run a 2D model (HecRasv6.0). I have already verified the hydraulics and the model runs fine without sediment data (the final error is less than 1%). When I add the sediment material data I do it for the entire watershed with a polygon classification shape and assign different gradations to each polygon. As boundary conditions, I leave it with an equilibrium load since it is a watershed. In the end, the model runs complete but it gives me an error “Overall Volume Accounting Error as percentage: 6.456”.

    I have seen that for older versions this is an output error. I would like to know if anyone knows exactly what could be causing the error.

    Model details:
    – Unsteady: Rain on grid
    – Unsteady Input Summary:
    Number of warm up time steps: 100
    2D Unsteady SWE-ELM Equation Set (faster)
    – Sediment Input Summary:
    Transport Function: Soulsby-Van R.
    Sorting Method: Active Layer
    Fall Velocity Method: Soulsby
    Global deposition/erosion methods:

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