Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Multiple Channels, Floodplain & Export from Civil 3D

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  • #5794

    I am trying to set up a hydraulic model for an area that has one major river channel and three tributary channels to that river in a large flat floodplain. I have my alignments and cross sections created in Civil 3D, can get them exported to HEC-RAS 4.1 and run the simulation. When I import the alignments and cross sections to HEC RAS, I don’t get any junctions where the tributaries empty into the river. In addition, the model does not seem to correlate the water surface elevations together when the simulation is run. I’m not sure where to go and would appreciate any help I can get.


    What you need to do is to use the move points option under the edit pull down and move the end of the tributary onto the the main reach. A window will pop up asking if you want to join them, you can then input the junction information.

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